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赵妮娜  魏鹏 《学术探索》2012,(10):58-62
近年来,个人账户养老基金运营管理模式、保值增值问题一直是学者们研究的重点,本文从个人账户养老基金的产权属性出发,通过对个人账户养老基金的管理现状和信托运营模式的优势分析,构建了个人账户养老基金信托运营框架,通过成立个人账户基金管理委员会与个人账户基金监督委员会,辅助其他监管,交由信托公司负责运营,保证了个人账户基金保证增值,并认为应从转变政府角色、构建信托运营的市场环境、坚持"资产组合定量"原则和"审慎人"原则、建立个人账户基金信托信息披露制度和完善法律法规体系五个方面保障信托模式的顺利运营。  相似文献   
以"承诺式信任"和"说服式信任"作为2个极端点,以"调节式信任"作为连续体的中间状态,提出了"信任的连续统一体"模型。该模型解释了中国情境下基于"关系"和"面子"的信任,以及西方基于认知、基于情感的信任;从调节式信任的角度,提出了跨文化信任的框架,分析了跨文化信任构建过程的一些阶段及调节策略;给出了关于发展中国管理理论、促进管理科学中国学派走向世界的思考。  相似文献   
联盟信任与联盟困境之间存在密切关系。在双边不对称联盟中,联盟困境的"抛弃"与"牵连"对联盟信任的作用更为强烈,进而成为推动联盟转型的重要变量。在美韩联盟发展过程中,其联盟信任不断变迁。联盟初期,由战火锤炼铸就的美韩双向情绪性信任,中经"尼克松冲击"转变为情绪性—工具性信任,后冷战时代历经双方的战略调整与实力变迁影响,转为双向工具性信任。受联盟信任变迁的影响,美韩联盟也实现了由军事联盟向战略性联盟的转变,这是联盟信任下降与共有利益拓展的共同结果。  相似文献   
Consumers are fundamental to organisational functioning and survival. Their loyalty, commitment, product acceptance and good long-term relationships with firms and brands are underpinned by their trust. Unfortunately, over the last decade or so, we have witnessed some of the more spectacular violations of consumer trust in the history of business. This has led to negative consequences, such as loss of competitive advantage, rage, lack of commitment and decrease in turnover. Consequently, study of trust repair has become an important theoretical concern for a growing number of trust scholars. This article reviews and synthesises existing theory and research on the topic. It first sketches general characteristics of the consumer trust repair literature, including its meta-theoretical underpinning. It then identifies specific strategies associated with consumer trust repair and synthesises them into five categories of trust repair strategies. In addition, this paper highlights theoretical processes that explain why/how trust repair strategies work. Third, the paper proposes six fruitful avenues for future research. This study contributes to the field of consumer trust repair research by critically reviewing and synthesising emerging theory and research on strategies associated with consumer trust repair, by showing why and how these strategies work and by identifying most fruitful research areas.  相似文献   
七体自枚乘《七发》首创之后,作者继踵。建安七体文皆是虚构一主一客问答的招隐型作品,但它们并不是简单的模拟之作,在思想倾向上,虽是以儒家思想为主,却也体现出当时对刑名之学的重视;在情感倾向上,作者的情感已由讽谏转向颂美,名为招隐,实为自招,并成为激励士人的劝仕之作;在艺术技巧上,注重语句的对仗工整,讲究音律的和谐,用典成分增多,体现出较强的骈化趋势。总之,建安七体文无论从内容还是形式,都受到了那个时代社会风气和政治背景的影响。  相似文献   
Transformational leaders are known to inspire and motivate their followers, thereby leading to enhanced job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an intellectual concept regarding individuals’ attitudes toward their jobs. This study asserts that the underlying mechanisms for transformational leadership to affect employee satisfaction are trust in the community, including the leader (that is, organization) and trust in the self, namely self‐efficacy. Leadership is specifically associated with continual transformations in the higher educational context, and collectivist cultures may manifest different processes underlying the transformational leadership–satisfaction relationship. This study investigated the mediating effects of trust and self‐efficacy on the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study sample included academicians from a nonprofit higher education institution in Turkey. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction is fully mediated by both trust and self‐efficacy. The mediator effect of trust was shown to be stronger than self‐efficacy, which is assumed to be the result of the cultural context. The results are discussed in the context of employee satisfaction and cultural determinants of employee satisfaction.  相似文献   
Bitcoin and its peculiar, decentralized transaction system, have already ignited interest by professional and retail traders in search for profits and by economists and legal experts, looking for possible regulation to contain illegal uses. We instead examine the unexpected and ongoing success of Bitcoin from a sociological perspective, first questioning its unusual legitimation system, backed by the so called ‘blockchain technology’, instead of by governmental authorities. Then we collect data and elements to reconstruct Bitcoin’s history as a cryptocurrency, starting from the mysterious story surrounding its birth. We then follow its spread and development through social networks and words of mouth, together with its sudden booms and bursts, finally to suggest that both users and institutional regulators should be aware of the risks of Bitcoin and of its alleged power to challenge our very notion of money.  相似文献   
本文应用Berry等(1995)[2]提出的离散选择需求模型和差异产品的伯川德竞争模型,并利用淘宝网上的交易数据,对声誉、消费者保障计划、保修服务及信息披露四种信号策略在网上交易中的作用进行了实证研究。需求估计结果表明消费者保障计划中的"7天无理由退换货"计划以及保修服务可以作为产品质量的信号;而在其他有效信号策略存在的情况下,消费者保障计划中的"先行赔付"计划以及卖家声誉作为质量信号的作用则被削弱。成本分析表明,信息披露虽然可以提高消费者购买的可能性,但是由于发出信号的成本太低,容易被低质量卖家所模仿,因此并不能作为有效的质量信号。本文首次从供给和需求两个方面分析了信号机制在信息不对称情况下的效应及其作用机制。  相似文献   
本文将顾客关系承诺划分为情感性和算计性承诺来构建研究模型,并以中、韩、澳三个国家美发业顾客的调查数据进行假设验证。结果表明:(1)服务质量、信任、缺乏替代分别被确认为情感性、算计性承诺的先行因素,虽然其效果在三个国家都显著,但其影响强度却出现一定的差异。(2)情感承诺对转换意向的负向影响和对溢价支付意向的正向影响在三个国家都非常显著。而且在韩国和澳大利亚,情感性承诺对负面口碑的负向影响效果也显著。(3)在中国和澳大利亚,算计性承诺对转换意向产生正向影响。同时在中国,算计性承诺对溢价支付意向产生正向影响,而在澳大利亚却产生负向影响。另外,算计性承诺对负面口碑的正向影响在三个国家都出现显著效果。  相似文献   
本研究通过抽样调查验证了买方对于卖方的信任和承诺对于买方行为的影响及其对买方的绩效含义。研究结果显示,买方对卖方的信任和承诺会影响买方在双方商业关系中的行为,这些行为对于买方的绩效具有积极意义。然而,信任和承诺对关系行为的影响存在不同。与假设相反,买方对卖方的信任提高了买方正式控制机制的使用,而买方对卖方的承诺则降低了买方的默许行为,这些效应有助于买方绩效。  相似文献   
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